#017 24 mei 2022

Drew DeVault – Opening up the SourceHut CI engine

SourceHut designed its own continuous integration system as part of its services, which has now completed several years of build-hours for its users. We’ll look under the covers to see how it works, and what needs to be improved on in the future.

This CI experience is leagues ahead of all others. Resubmitting builds and SSH’ing in is saving me multiple hours.

— Andrew Kelley, author of the Zig programming language

This talk will be in English. Free entrance.

Doors open at 19.30 hours and we will start at 20.00 hours.


Hendrikx ITC (conference room Spoorzicht013)
Spoorlaan 21K
5038 CB Tilburg

The Hendrikx ITC office is located next to the central train station and shares its entrance with Yuverta MBO. You can park your car at parkeergarage Pieter Vreedeplein.

CI  SourceHut  go  python  git